Its hard to sit in the same room with him when he is in his crate due to the great need he has to be near me,he lets out these Booming barks and growls that is heard throughout the house and surely outside.
At 3 1/2 months his bark seems as an adult,very deep.If I turn him outside he sits and scratches at the door to come back in,if I put him in his crate he barks to get out,he likes to sit near me or in the same room as me.
right now we are still housetraining which is going well but he has to be watched and kept from chewing on things he should not,alot of times I will put the leash on him to keep control of him in the house so he doesnt start to chew the couch or kids toys.
What a fascinating bark he has,sure to ward of anyone or anything,and I am sure we are not at full throttle.

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