Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Life with 3 Great Pyrenees pups starting at 10 days old

When they were only 10 days old I was faced with 3 of what was left of a litter of 10 Great Pyrenees pups to raise.,the owner of the pups/mom was unable to take the pups in and bottle fed them,become momma basically.As much as I love animals I could not bare to watch anymore of the pups die,dailey she called informing me 1 or 2 more of her pups had died,I finally said bring them to me,let me see what I can do,at the time there were 4 pups left,1 died shortly after she brought them over.This was the beginning of some late nights and long days and lots of joy too. I keep this journal for myself as well as wanting to share so I will never forget the great experience this has brought to my life and my families life watching these 3 pups strive and the trials and tribulations of 3 orphaned pups.

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