We are now 16 days old,holding strong.The smallest pup in the crate is the one on the left that looks more yellow in color,this is because he is always on bottom of the other two and gets peed on.After each meal I get a warm washcloth and rub there tummies for them to potty,like momma dog would do by licking her pups stomachs.
Even from this early of an age they are exposed to lots of people,kids mostly,my daughters love to hold them and help feed them.
They stay in a small crate with towels and a heating pad and 2 water bottles,I use the 16 oz plastic soda bottles,I fill them with hot water and wrap them in a wash cloth and place in the crate under the towel in the corners,the washcloth is to protect the pups from getting directly onto the bottles and getting burned.They are still eating every 2 hours,I am now having to place karo syrup on the tongue of the smallest pup to keep his strength up so he will suck well when nursing.
I get up around the clock and the late night feedings/potty time is hard,the smallest pup takes a while to get to nurse like he should so try this at 2:00 am..ha..ha..and agian at 4:00 am and so on.
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