Pyrs have an extra set of toes on the rear feet the toes are equipped with a pad and nails,some people refer to them as thumbs. The extra toes is said to have helped the pyrs grip across the Pyrenean Mts and the rocky terrain.
Every afternoon or almost every afternnon I bring Bear in the floor and groom him,we brush,clean ears,check nails for trimming...this particular day he would rather play with his leash then be groomed!
Bear loves to follow Jeremy around the house,they say Pyrs are good with children,I can see that being so true,he will follow Jeremy around all day for the occasional pat on the head.
This is Bears normal stance when outside,he only leaves the porch to potty or if someone pulls up into the drive,Anyother time he will be sitting and looking inside the house or laying by the door waiting to come back in.
Bears what we call Billy goat gruff,the scuff of the neck..been known as lions mane,mane,scruff,thick hair :) the hair around his neck looks like a big wad of blubber,it isnt,its a really thick double coat of hair.Its said they where bred to have this'"Lions mane'"to potect the neck and jugular in there scuffles with bears,wolves and coyotes.
Bear is now weighing almost 50 pounds,49.2,he is not fat,he is stocky and solid.Bear has a real interesting demeanor about him,He is only 4 months old but part of the time he acts grown and part of the time he is puppy but even when he is being puppy he is adult like. We have had several issues as far as marking areas in the house,he is "housetrained"but will mark,not lift leg yet but squat and mark certain areas of the house clearly stating he is marking his territory.One of our other dogs Max has his bed in the extra bathroom,Bear has 3 times peed right on his bed and one time peed on Maxs bone that was in the bed,I now have to shut that bathroom door Bear cant go into the bathroom when he is in.He went into our other dogs crate and peed inside it,now granted Bear just came in from outside on potty break and walks in buddys crate to pee,so clearly marking his scent over the other two males.He gets a sharp "No" and straight outside when he has done this and he looks as if he knows he is not suppose to.So we are working on this issue. Bear still likes to play in the water bowls,he digs in them and flips the water over on himself,I fill water bowls continuesly from them being flipped,I am hoping this will pass...ha..ha... Bear has a great appettite,alot better then a month ago,he is still very picky and finicky but does eat more at a time now then he did,he is averaging about 6 cups a day.I keep an eye on his waste line and feeling the rib idea sure not to let him get to fat. Bear is doing wonderful on a leash but will try and back out of it now and again if something hes not quit sure about,but he is coming along nicely,given to pressure,no pulling. Bears natural instincts are really starting to surface,a little young I have thought,maybe not.Buddy our Cocker has always charged the fence barking fearlessly at anyone or anything that enters the yard,he has done this for years...Now Buddy does not approach the fence at all nor does he even bark,Bear has taught buddy,I have witnessed this myself,Bear has taken Buddy by the neck and guided him away from the fence back to the porch,now Buddy will stay on the porch or against the house while Bear approaches the fence,Bear will walk the perimeter of the fence and then sit and watch....the entire time Buddy is sitting and just watching, it is not until danger..the person or other dog or away from the fence that Buddy is allowed to move around freely or go to the fence.This has been amazing to watch transpire right before my eyes in a matter of about a months time,You would have to know our cocker Buddy to understand how this is just amazing,Buddy is a ferious little cocker that barks, anyone near his fence.Now he sits back and lets Bear access the danger first. We go through a similiar experience in the house,when someone arrives he does the fence ritual I just explained,when the person is out of sight of the fence he runs to the porch and bangs into the back door sometimes strong enough that it sounds like its going to break,,,he wants in to access the person and whats going on inside.He will not sit on the porch and not be able to come in and access things.Out of respect for the breeds strong Guardian nature,When I hear Bear at the door,I turn him in,he goes straight to the source(visitor)checks things out even sits between me or hubby and company/visitor sometimes the entire time sometimes long enough to see things are ok,when he feels things to be ok he will get up and start to venture off in the house at this point I will turn him back outside,he will go and lay by the door,never banging or scratching again,just sits or lays by the door.This has been amazing to see such a young pup display this beaviour,Thats why I have made the comments above..part puppy,part adult.
I am married with 3 children,2 daughters and a son.Our oldest Daughter is engaged to be married when she finshes Nursing School in 09 she is attending Nursing School to become an RN.
I enjoy my horses and dogs,
I love to trail ride with family and friends,I love nature and to ride in the woods taking in nature is awesome,One of our Loyal doggy companions is also my trail buddy.